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The Cine-Live Difference

The Cine-Live Difference

Live streaming has become an increasingly popular way for businesses and individuals alike to connect with their audience in real-time. With the rise of social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitch, and YouTube, the demand for live stream has greatly increased. Some of the key aspects of successful live streaming include high quality production and using cinema cameras in a live workflow that will elevate the viewer’s experience like never before.

Traditionally, a livestream/broadcast could only be done using broadcast cameras with small 2/3” sensors. Grass Valley, Panasonic, and Sony Broadcast cameras commanded the live stream market because of their ability to be fully controlled via a fiber connection. While these cameras have their strengths, they are limited by their small sensors, lack of depth of field, size, and limited lens options. On the other end of the spectrum, many users of live streams who didn’t have access or budget to a cumbersome broadcast setup were limited to using their webcam or cell phone. 

At Ace High Productions, these limits no longer exist. With innovative modern technology and a thoroughly tested workflow, we can run a fully capable live stream production utilizing cinema cameras with complete control capabilities. This workflow also allows us to modify our setup appropriately to the size of the production, correctly scaling up or down to meet the needs of the show and the budget. 

When used in a live streaming setup, these cameras provide viewers with a more immersive and professional-looking broadcast. This helps to capture and more importantly retain the attention of viewers, as well as convey a sense of professionalism and credibility.

In our live workflow, cinema cameras can be connected to a video switcher and encoder, which allows for seamless switching between different camera angles, graphics, and effects. This can help to keep viewers engaged and create a more dynamic and visually appealing broadcast. Additionally, we have integrated technology to allow for full camera control of a live stream. 

Utilizing cinema bodies in a live workflow also allow for higher quality recordings which can easily be re-purposed by our postproduction team and utilized across multiple platforms. Posting to social media, uploading to Youtube, and engaging in commercial advertising are just a few ways to utilize your content. Our clients can easily build up a library of high-quality assets from their live shows. 

When streaming to multiple social media sites, it is important to consider the technical aspects of each platform. Some may have specific encoding requirements or limitations on resolution and frame rate, so it is important have a trusted and experienced partner to handle these technical specifications. At Ace High Productions, we have all these aspects taken care of. 

Overall, incorporating cinema cameras into a live streaming production can help to elevate the quality of your broadcast and create a more engaging and professional viewing experience for your audience.  After going live, our postproduction team can then take those high-resolution recordings and deliver engaging content for multiple platforms. By leveraging the power of cinema cameras in your live workflow, you can set yourself apart from the competition, maximize your time, and make a lasting impression on your viewers.